Second Planning Approval with Water Credits – Chichester District
Nicholls were contacted to help our client overcome Water Neutrality for their change of use application using water credits.
At a Glance
- Water Neutrality
- Planning Approval
- Water Credits
- Agricultural Conversion
About the Project
Due to the Water Neutrality in the SNWRZ (Southern Water’s Sussex North Water Resource Zone) we had to prove Neutrality for the change of use from an agricultural building to residential. Nicholls were able to use one of their many offsetting sites to produce and evidence water savings and therefore generate Water Credits for the planning application. Although the change of use was permitted under part Q (planning), the site still was required to comply with Water Neutrality.
Following the purchase of the Water Credits from Nicholls, an application was made under Regulation 77 of the Habitats and Species Regulation. Approval has now been granted and our client can proceed with their change of use.
Should you require any further information regarding our Water Credit Programme, please call our office on 01403 470744
Download Printable PDF”“We were confident we were going to get change of use under Part Q (planning), however we were unsure how to overcome the Water Neutrality part of our application and working with Nicholls we were able to achieve this. I’m very happy to recommend Nicholls to others with the same issues.”
Miss C, Client